for sustainable economic growth

The International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR) is happy to announce applications from suitable and qualified journalists for its project on Promoting Democratic Governance in Northwest Nigeria
The Promoting Democratic Governance Project is to strengthen the capacity of the media to promote transparency, accountability and good governance in Nigeria.
Who can apply
Candidates applying for this opportunity must have a minimum of two years of experience practicing journalists and work in print, electronic and online media in states from Northwest Nigeria
Applicant must be below 45 years old.
Must be ready to reside in the state for the next year.
Must have the endorsement of his/her organization's editor.
Freelance journalists with proven reporting track records are also encouraged also apply.
Intending journalists must provide proof of previous critical reporting in the 12 months.
ICIR Application for Promoting Democratic Governance in Nigeria Project is now open till August 18th 2023
Deadline: August 18th 2023